Service update

Network’s counselling service is at present open as usual. We provide a service to clients who come to us in serious distress as well as training to increase the capacity of the profession, and have a duty of care to continue to provide much needed support in a difficult time. We recognise that we have a responsibility to balance this with the need to maintain a safe environment for all who come to Network.

As such, we are asking all staff, students, counsellors, clients and visitors not to come to Network if they are showing suspected symptoms of the coronavirus. Please use the 111 online service, and let us know if you will not be coming in.

We are asking all people who come to the building to wash their hands upon entering and to observe guidance on infection control from the NHS. We are cleaning door handles regularly and taking other precautions to minimise risk of contact with the virus.

Our Certificate and Diploma courses will be taught online as of week commencing 23rd March, and current students can expect further information from their tutors. Other future courses will be updated nearer the time, and any people currently booked onto CPD, EPPG or introductory courses will be kept up to date by email should any decisions to change plans be made.